Thursday, February 13, 2020

Dude Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Dude - Essay Example For example, when I see an acquaintance who I would like to greet, I would normally say: â€Å"Hey dude, good to see you. What’s up?† This meaning was validated in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary (par. 3) as it revealed â€Å"fellow, guy —sometimes used informally as a term of address†. The distinctive element here is that the word is used as a term of address. In other circumstances, dude could mean a guy who wears fashionable clothes or accessories that caught my attention. In this case, I could blurt out: â€Å"Wow! That dude surely dons flashy outfit with such colors, prints and all that bling!† The meaning I want to relay is the fact that the person is dressed in a certain style or fashion worthy of attention. Another meaning of dude for me refers to a person who seem be unfamiliar with life in the city and could be coming from a rural area or from another culture. In this situation, I would use dude as: â€Å"Look at that dude, he seems to be lost or something? Do you think he needs help?† This meaning was likewise validated in Merriam-Webster (par. 2) as â€Å"a city dweller unfamiliar with life on the range; especially: an Easterner in the West†. By manifesting expressions or gestures that indicate unfamiliarity with the surroundings, a person who is new to the environment could be called dude. When the term needs to be explained to people who are learning the English language, one could indicate, in addition to the meanings mentioned above, that dude simply refers to a person, male in gender, who is being referred to or addressed by young people from contemporary generation. Explicitly, this definition appears in the learner’s dictionary portion of Merriam-Webster (par.4) as â€Å"[count] chiefly US slang: a man —used especially by young people†. This definition encompasses the rest of the meanings expounded previously. I was surprised to see from Merriam-Webster (par. 7) that the origin for this term is unknown

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Optimizing Ermergeny Room Staff Statistics Project

Optimizing Ermergeny Room Staff - Statistics Project Example Collected data included age and sex of patient, date and time patient arrived, date and time patient treatment began and triage number, Triage number is a scale used in the ER that identifies the urgency of care, standard waiting time, average length of treatment time and the number of nurses required. See Appendix A. The number of patients was summarized according to a 1-hr time interval of its arrival to the ER. Frequency distribution, time series and regression analysis were created to determine the trend. See Appendix B. The wait time in minutes was summarized according to a 4-hr interval of the patients arrival. See Appendix C. The 4-hr interval is also identified as the 4-hr work shift of nurses. The distribution of average wait time per month was made to identify the volume of patients having a long wait time in the 4-hr work shift. Analysis of variance was conducted to determine if there are any significant differences between them with respect to mean waiting time. The treatment time in minutes was also summarized according to a 4-hr time interval of nurse's work shift. The treatment time is the average time needed by the nurses to care for patients with respect to its urgency according to the triage number. The distribution of total treatment time per month was made to identify the volume of nurses time in the 4-hr work shift. Figure 1 shows the frequency distribution of the number of patients arriving per month on a 1-hr... Figure 2 shows the time series of the patients arriving per day on a 1-hr time interval. There is a seasonal trend identified per day which further confirms the observation from the frequency diagram. A single factor analysis of variance was conducted using Microsoft Excel Add-In. The results in Table 1 show that the F-value is smaller than the F critical and the P-value is relatively large. The null hypothesis stating that all means of patient arrival per month is equal and there is no statistical differences between the monthly data. This concurs that the data of patients per month can be summarized into a 24 hr patient arrival behavior. Table 1. Anova: Single Factor SUMMARY Groups Count Sum Average Variance JUN 24 326 13.5833 60.3406 JUL 24 305 12.7083 56.1286 AUG 24 364 15.1667 69.0145 SEP 24 362 15.0833 92.5145 OCT 24 293 12.2083 55.6504 NOV 24 334 13.9167 53.9058 Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit Between Groups 175.14 5 35.028 0.542 0.744 2.280 Within Groups 8913.75 138 64.592 Total 9088.889 143 Figure 3 shows the best fit line graph of patients arrival from 3:00 am to 22:00 pm. The R-squared value of 0.8839 shows high linearity on the trend. The number of patients increases with time during this period. The coefficient of increase is 0.1148. 2. Wait Time of Patients The frequency distribution of wait time is shown in Figure 4. The mean time to wait is 131.11 minutes with a standard deviation of 87.62 minutes. The confidence level at 95% is 3.85 minutes. The shape of the distribution is skewed to the left. This means that the data may contain outliers with very large waiting time. Figure 5 shows the patient's average time